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I work with clients to problem solve, create solutions, and strategically position brands for growth. 


I'm an expert in Consumer Research and Insight Development, Brand Positioning and Innovation. 


For Brand Strategy I use a Purpose-led approach, Giraffe defines WHY your brand exists, WHAT it does and HOW it does it.


Giraffe works with CPG, beauty and food brands but in particular I like to work with Total Wellness brands. These brands work at the intersection of personal health and wellness, the health of the planet and the health of their community. 


Giraffe helps
brands successfully 
launch, innovate
or reposition


Why Giraffe

While I originally chose the name Giraffe simply because I like Giraffes, I have come to realize over time how appropriate it is for the name of a brand consultancy. So many characteristics of good branding are comparable to that of a Giraffe's.

A Giraffe's long neck is an essential look out, ideal for a brand that needs to keep an

eye on the world it operates in to ensure it stays relevant.

No two Giraffes look the same, a Giraffe's unique patches distinguish it from the rest of the herd,

just like a brand wants to stand out from the crowd.

WIth the largest heart in the animal kingdom it's easier to emotionally connect with others acting

from the heart to deliver an authentic perspective. 

And finally, a Giraffe returns to where it was born to give birth. A brand that knows where it comes from,

rooted in purpose and positioned well will always know where it is going. 


How Can We Help?

Are you launching a brand but don't know how to best to position in market? 

Does your brand lack relevancy and requires a relaunch? 

Is your brand struggling to compete and stand out from the crowd?

Are you launching a new product or entering a new category

Do you want to expand your offering but don't know the best way forward?

Are you unable to define your consumer target or perhaps you want to understand more about what motivates and engages your consumer? 


See our services or consider one of our packages.


Consumer Insights

Brand Strategy

Innovation Strategy


Small Businesses - Level Up Your Strategy

Find Your WHY!

Brand Diagnostic


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How Giraffe Works

I collaborate with teams or individuals to deliver their needs either on a project-by-project basis or on retainer. I also hold advisory sessions on request. For each project a tailored process is developed and aligned ahead of time with clients so there is a clear path to success. 

Let's Collaborate!

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Consumer research to gain deep

understanding and reveal key insights:

On-Line, Focus Groups and Ethnographies



Brand Purpose, Brand Positioning,

Personality, Tone of Voice

Social Media Strategy



Disruptive innovation rooted

in a brand's equity. New

Product Ideas and concepts

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Clare Brophy


I'm an independent Brand Strategist and live in Maplewood, New Jersey with experience in branding, advertising, innovation and design.​ I've helped build brands for Fortune 500 companies as well as smaller brands in the CPG, Wellness, Beauty and Food categories. 

I'm a conceptual thinker with a passion for creating culturally relevant, distinctive brands. I founded Giraffe so I could do more of the work I love and less that I don't. So far it's working out...

About Us

Past and Present Brands

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